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Update: Condo/Co-Op/HOA Meeting Agendas & Notice Requirements

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Florida laws governing community associations require notice of meetings to encourage owner participation. Here is a helpful guide summarizing the notice requirements under statute; however, this guide is not intended to be all inclusive and is only for general reference.

Meeting Type Condo/Co-op HOA
Board meeting(s) Adequate notice of all board meetings, which must specifically identify all agenda items, must be posted conspicuously on the property at least 48 continuous hours before the meeting except in an emergency (or pursuant to the governing documents). Notices of all board meetings must specifically identify agenda items for the meetings and must be posted in a conspicuous place in the community at least 48 hours in advance of a meeting, except in an emergency (or pursuant to the governing documents).
Budget meeting(s) At least 14 days prior to a meeting at which a proposed annual budget of an association will be considered by the board or unit owners, the board shall hand deliver to each unit owner, mail to each unit owner at the address last furnished to the association by the unit owner, or electronically transmit (to those unit owners who consented in writing to receive electronic notice) to the location furnished by the unit owner for that purpose a notice of such meeting and a copy of the proposed annual budget (or pursuant to the governing documents). Notices of all board meetings (including a meeting at which a proposed annual budget of an association will be considered) must specifically identify agenda items (including consideration of the annual budget) and must be posted in a conspicuous place in the community at least 48 hours in advance of a meeting, except in an emergency (or pursuant to the governing documents).
Annual meeting(s) without election and membership meetings generally Written notice of meetings of unit owners, including annual meetings, must include an agenda; be mailed, hand delivered, or electronically transmitted (to those unit owners who consented in writing to receive electronic notice)  to each unit owner at least 14 days before the meeting and be posted in a conspicuous place on the property at least 14 continuous days before the meeting (or pursuant to the governing documents). The association shall give all parcel owners and members actual notice of all membership meetings, which shall be mailed, delivered, or electronically transmitted (to those owners who consented in writing to receive electronic notice) to the members not less than 14 days prior to the meeting (or pursuant to the governing documents); The association shall hold a meeting of its members annually for the transaction of any and all proper business at a time, date, and place stated in, or fixed in accordance with, the bylaws.
Annual meeting(s) with election or election as provided in the documents At least 60 days before a scheduled election, the association shall mail, deliver, or electronically transmit (to those unit owners who consented in writing to receive electronic notice), to each unit owner entitled to a vote, a first notice of the date of the election; The association shall mail, deliver, or electronically transmit (to those unit owners who consented in writing to receive electronic notice) a second notice of the election to all unit owners entitled to vote, together with a ballot that lists all candidates not less than 14 days or more than 34 days before the date of the election (or pursuant to the governing documents). The association shall hold a meeting of its members annually for the transaction of any and all proper business at a time, date, and place stated in, or fixed in accordance with, the bylaws (and be noticed in the same manner as membership meetings). The election of directors, if one is required to be held, must be held at, or in conjunction with, the annual meeting or as provided in the governing documents.
Nonemergency Special assessment(s) or Regular assessment(s)
Written notice of a meeting at which a nonemergency special assessment must be mailed, delivered, or electronically transmitted (to those unit owners who consented to receive electronic notice) to the unit owners and posted conspicuously on the condominium property at least 14 days before the meeting (or pursuant to the governing documents). Notice of any meeting in which regular or special assessments against unit owners are to be considered must specifically state that assessments will be considered and provide the estimated cost and description of the purposes for such assessments. If an agenda item relates to the approval of a contract for goods or services, a copy of the contract must be provided with the notice and be made available for inspection and copying upon a written request from a unit owner or made available on the association’s website or through an application that can be downloaded on a mobile device.
An assessment may not be levied at a board meeting unless the notice of the meeting includes a statement that assessments will be considered and the nature of the assessments. Written notice of any meeting at which special assessments will be considered must be mailed, delivered, or electronically transmitted (to those owners who consented to receive electronic notice) to the members and parcel owners and posted conspicuously on the property or broadcast on closed-circuit cable television not less than 14 days before the meeting (or pursuant to the governing documents).
Board meeting(s) to adopt rules regarding unit or parcel use Written notice of a meeting at which an amendment to rules regarding unit use will be considered must be mailed, delivered, or electronically transmitted (to those unit owners who consented to receive electronic notice) to the unit owners and posted conspicuously on the condominium property at least 14 days before the meeting (or pursuant to the governing documents). Written notice of any meeting at which amendments to rules regarding parcel use will be considered must be mailed, delivered, or electronically transmitted (to those owners who consented to receive electronic notice) to the members and parcel owners and posted conspicuously on the property or broadcast on closed-circuit cable television not less than 14 days before the meeting (or pursuant to the governing documents).
Committee meeting(s)
Meetings of a committee to take final action on behalf of the board or make recommendations to the board regarding the association budget be noticed in the same manner as board meetings (or pursuant to the governing documents).

Meetings of a committee that does not take final action on behalf of the board or make recommendations to the board regarding the association budget be noticed in the same manner as board meetings, unless those meetings are exempted by the bylaws of the association.

Meetings of a committee or other similar body making a final decision regarding the expenditure of association funds and to meetings of any body vested with the power to approve or disapprove architectural decisions with respect to a specific parcel of residential property owned by a member of the community be noticed in the same manner as board meetings (or pursuant to the governing documents).
Association attorney meeting(s) Meetings between the board or a committee and the association’s attorney, with respect to proposed or pending litigation, if the meeting is held for the purpose of seeking or rendering legal advice, be noticed in the same manner as board meetings (or pursuant to the governing documents), but such meetings are not required to be open to the unit owners. Meetings between the board and the association’s attorney, with respect to proposed or pending litigation where the contents of the discussion would otherwise be governed by attorney-client privilege, be noticed in the same manner as board meetings (or pursuant to the governing documents), but such meetings are not required be open to all members.
Board meetings held for the purpose of discussing personnel matters Board meetings, held for the purpose of discussing personnel matters, be noticed in the same manner as board meetings (or pursuant to the governing documents), but such meetings are not required to be open to the unit owners. Meetings of the board, held for the purpose of discussing personnel matters, be noticed in the same manner as board meetings (or pursuant to the governing documents), but such meetings are not required to be open to the members other than directors.

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